How to Get Your Library Card

Bring in identification that shows your current address. We will ask you to fill out a library card application. Cards are issued the same day as the application is filled out and the fee paid.

Borrowing Limits

We have a limit of 10 items that can be checked out. Our check out period is two weeks and, if no one is waiting for the item to be returned, can be renewed for an additional two weeks.

Placing Holds

Since we do not, as yet, have automated circulation, our holds are written down, and the person checking in the materials will try to pull from circulation any item that is placed on hold.

Renewing Your Borrowed Items

Materials checked out can be renewed, as long as someone else is not waiting for the item to be returned. The additional check out period is two weeks. The patron can come into the library for renewal, or can call the library and renew their library materials.

Returning Library Materials

Library materials can be returned to the library, or, if the library is not open, materials can be left in the main office on the 2nd floor.

Unattended Children and Vulnerable Adults

Children and juveniles under 10 years old and vulnerable adults may not be unattended or unsupervised on library premises. See Rainier City Library Unattended Child and Vulnerable Adult Policy

Other Policies

The following policies govern how we use our library.

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